apple pie

  • Apple Roses (Magnificos)


    Today you are in for a treat! Valentine’s day is around the corner so what better time to share this Apple Roses (Magnificos) recipe with you. These pastries are really one of a kind. Imagine sweet and slightly tart apples glazed with apricot jam, then intertwined with buttery layers of…

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  • Apple Brown Betty


    When it comes to using up stale bread, I tend to prefer savory over sweet recipes. Recipes like this Sausage, Mushroom and Spinach Strata or last week’s Bacon and Cheese Croissant Casserole. They are great because they turn old bread into a dish that can be eaten for pretty much…

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  • Tarte Tatin


    Have you ever had a Tarte Tatin? If you haven’t here is your opportunity to try this amazing dessert! It originated in the Hotel Tatin in France from an apple pie recipe gone wrong. But it turned out great! The guest all loved it and it became the hotel’s signature…

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  • Apple Crumble


    As we are about to enter a new year, I know some of you might be thinking of cutting out desserts and trying to eat healthier. Don’t turn your back on this Apple Crumble recipe, it is mostly fruit and oatmeal! Besides why cut out the delicious things in life?…

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