
  • Cinnamon Cookies


    These are not Snickerdoodle cookies, they are Cinnamon Cookies. 🙂 I know they may look like it and you may be tempted to call them Snickerdoodle cookies, but they are not. Snickerdoodle cookies are a bit chewy, a bit on the flatter side and don’t have baking powder in them.…

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  • Plum Cobbler


    Or should I call it Inverted Plum Cobbler? There are different types of cobblers, a lot of them usually have a biscuit or cookie like topping, others have more of a cake like topping. Either way there is a topping and a fruit filling underneath it. But this cobbler hardly…

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  • Strawberry Oatmeal Bars


    One thing I love about summer is all the fruits and veggies on sale. At Reading Terminal Market (in Philadelphia), there is a little produce market that sells bags of different fruit and veggies in season for .99 cents. 😮 Needless to say, I was obsessed with this place. When…

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  • Lemon Bars


    It’s officially summer! For me that means it is time for ice cream and lemon bars. Who am I kidding, ice cream is a year round affair for me. But lemon bars are one of my favorite desserts and I am usually able to be patient and wait for summer…

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