
  • Pumpkin Pie


    The next pumpkin recipe for the month is a Thanksgiving classic; pumpkin pie! No Thanksgiving dinner is complete without it. For that reason I know it is very easy to go to the store and pick up a pumpkin pie around this time of the year. I myself never really…

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  • Pumpkin Bread


    In college, I developed a pumpkin obsession around this time of the year. I don’t know how it started but for some reason I wanted to make pumpkin flavored everything. I made pumpkin butter, pumpkin ice cream, pumpkin donut muffins, pumpkin pancakes, pumpkin scones, the list goes on. You can…

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  • Magic Cookie Bars


    It’s Halloween! And I am sure if you are going to or preparing for any Halloween parties you will be expecting or preparing some spooky treats. I have never been one to get into Halloween to the point of creating Halloween themed food. But I still have a treat for…

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  • Honey Buttermilk Cornbread


    This is some pretty fancy cornbread. It is golden brown, moist and has a nice sweetness from the honey. This honey buttermilk cornbread is the bomb, guys, you don’t even need it as a side, you can just eat it on its own. I had mine with my beef and…

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  • Beef and Italian Sausage Chili


    I hate Winter. I am also now realizing that I am not crazy about Fall either which used to be my favorite season (since Spring left me with allergies). As soon as it starts getting cold and dark earlier, I want to leave my home even less. One thing about…

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  • How I Got into Cooking


    I was never interested in cooking as a child. Growing up, all of us had to be in the kitchen helping my mom when it was time to cook but I always managed to escape. I would be in the living room watching TV. My mom would call me or…

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  • Crepes


    There is only one way I truly enjoy eating Nutella and that is in crepes. Eating it any other way just isn’t satisfying enough to me. If I buy Nutella, I have to make crepes. Good thing crepes are so easy to make and they use ingredients that you probably…

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  • Cinnamon Cookies


    These are not Snickerdoodle cookies, they are Cinnamon Cookies. šŸ™‚ I know they may look like it and you may be tempted to call them Snickerdoodle cookies, but they are not. Snickerdoodle cookies are a bit chewy, a bit on the flatter side and don’t have baking powder in them.…

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