
  • Apple Roses (Magnificos)


    Today you are in for a treat! Valentine’s day is around the corner so what better time to share this Apple Roses (Magnificos) recipe with you. These pastries are really one of a kind. Imagine sweet and slightly tart apples glazed with apricot jam, then intertwined with buttery layers of…

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  • Fig Jam Recipe


    It is that time of the year when we start having social gatherings, potlucks and holiday celebrations with family and friends. If you want to brighten up your cheese board or impress your friends and family (or yourself) this holiday, add this fig jam recipe to your menu! It is…

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  • Guava Jam


    Growing up, we had several fruit trees in our backyard and one of my favorite was our guava tree. That is mostly because it was my favorite tree to climb but apart from that, every guava season, we would eat guavas until our bellies hurt and sometimes my mother would…

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